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Higher Education
January 26, 2024

New Virtual Reality Lab Unveiled at Maria College

The Andrea Lewis Siek School of Nursing at Maria College has opened its Center for Academic Innovation, which includes a virtual reality simulation lab. The head of the new center, Dr. Jason Coley, said it’s an opportunity to simulate real-life scenarios so nursing students can practice before they work with people in real life. Coley said the lab tracks student progress and helps students with decision-making and communication skills. In addition, scenarios can be changed on the fly to make them more challenging for advanced students.

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Industry Challenges
April 28, 2024

Using Virtual Reality to Improve Communication and Collaboration in Nursing Teams

Nursing is a profession that requires not only technical skills, but also soft skills such as critical thinking, decision making, empathy, confidence, teamwork, and smooth communication. But how can less experienced nurses develop their soft skills in terms of judgment, communication, and teamwork for better patient outcomes? Simulations allow nurses to practice and improve clinical reasoning, teamwork, and resilience in a realistic, controlled, high-pressure but safe environment. That’s the value of simulation; it’s a chance to make mistakes, analyze and reflect on performance, determine the possible fixes, and build muscle memory without real-world consequences from errors.

Product Information
April 4, 2024

UbiSim Wins 2024 Cool Tool Award from EdTech Digest

The immersive Virtual Reality platform designed for nursing simulation has won the VR/AR Solution category of the annual EdTech Awards.

Most Popular
March 6, 2024

How the Nursing Educator Shortage Has Created a Tipping Point for Virtual Reality Simulations

Immersive scenarios in VR allow nursing education programs to enhance and scale the hands-on experiences they provide learners for developing and practicing critical skills.

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