Simulation Like You’ve Never Experienced Before
UbiSim virtual reality (VR) provides a high-fidelity simulation experience so that nurse learners can improve clinical judgment within a realistic setting.

Enhance Flexibility with Multiple Types of Facilitation
UbiSim is designed to be versatile, allowing for flexibility in adoption and use within the curriculum.
Learners take turns participating in the simulation in small groups, alternating roles between the active participant who cares for the VR patient, the learner triggering the preset dialogs on the computer, and the active observer taking notes.
A facilitator triggers the dialog of the patient, other characters, and provider while an active participant cares for the patient. The facilitator screen or learner’s headset view can be cast on a large screen so observers can watch as events unfold and collaborate in the decision-making process.
Up to 3 active learners can collaborate together in the same simulation, with the ability to hand each other objects like stethoscopes, assess the patient, and share information in real-time. This model challenges students to function within teams.
Peers can learn by actively observing the simulation on their computers or joining the simulation as a “ghost” in virtual reality.
Customize or Build Any Scenario
In addition to UbiSim's expansive catalog of scenarios designed to meet INACSL and Next Generation NCLEX® standards, UbiSim's intuitive editor empowers anyone to customize or create scenarios.

“We have a very robust simulation program with a lot of simulations that we developed ourselves, so we we’re really glad to have the ability to translate those custom scenarios into UbiSim.”
Simulation Coordinator & Adjunct Instructor
Community College of Denver
UbiSim Aligns with Industry Standards
UbiSim VR aligns with the International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL®) Healthcare Simulation Standards of Best Practice (HSSOBP™).

Prebriefing and Orientation
UbiSim prebriefings provide preparation activities, set a psychologically safe tone, clarify roles, and provide tutorials for the VR setup.

Scenarios unfold in a standardized way, as faculty or peer facilitators easily bring simulations to life by triggering pre-recorded dialogs

Evaluation of Learning and Performance
Learners receive immediate feedback on critical actions supported by evidence-based rationales, with a recording for review.

Debriefing Process
A guided reflection based on the PEARLS debriefing framework helps learners reflect on the experience. A quiz with an unfolding case study helps learners reflect beyond the experience.