The Nurse Readiness Crisis

What do nursing students say they need to be patient-ready? Download the report to find out:

Students & new grads are struggling

How many have thought of dropping out or resigning?

What makes it worse?

What factors contribute to their desire to quit?

Now that they're on the job...

Which aspects of nursing do they feel unprepared for?

Looking back...

What more could nursing schools have done to prepare them?

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The Nurse Readiness Crisis Report
Helping educators support the transition to clinical practice

Less than 10% of newly graduated nurses demonstrate entry-level competencies, and the shock of transitioning into clinical practice can cause new nurses to consider leaving the profession. Enhancing nurse education is the critical path to keeping students enrolled, improving patient outcomes, and stabilizing the nursing workforce.

To understand how to address this challenge — and what could move the needle for success — UbiSim surveyed 800 nursing students and new nurses from August 13-29, 2024. The Nurse Readiness Crisis Report reveals what recent graduates say is holding them back and what current students say is missing from their education. 

Discover what nurses say they need to prepare for clinical practice. Download the Nurse Readiness Crisis Report today!